LOUIZE は台北を拠点にヒップホップ文化に根ざした新世代の DJ です。自身のイベントを主催するほか、長年 QUEER TRASH とコラボレートしています。
LOUIZE is a new generation rising DJ based in Taipei, rooted in hip-hop culture. In addition to hosting her own events, she is also a long-time collaborator with QUEER TRASH.
She also plays a wide variety genres of music, hip hop, ukg, jungle, and baile funk…etc.
彼の厳選されたソウルフルなサウンドはJazz/Fusion, Funk, BoogieからBroken Beat, Chicago House, UK Garageに至るまで、彼のレコードコレクションの中からプレイする。 Xanderの多才さはロンドン, ベルリン, アムステルダムのラジオ局, クラブ, リスニングバーだけでなく、遠く離れたニューヨーク市やマイアミ、あるいはNebulah Radioで隔月放送しているレジデント番組でも聴くことができる。
Originally from London (ish), Xander relocated to Paris in the summer of 2015. Soon after arriving, he became a regular at the renowned Le Mellotron bar / radio and joined the Parisian party collective La Wild as a resident DJ. Opening for the likes of Colleen “Cosmo” Murphy, David Vunk, Borrowed Identity, and S3A, Xander has made a name for himself in his adopted hometown.
His select soulful sound can be heard throughout his record collection with styles ranging from jazz / fusion, funk and boogie to broken beat, Chicago house, UKG and beyond. Xander’s versatility can be heard at radio stations, clubs and listening bars in London, Berlin and Amsterdam, as well as further afield in NYC and Miami, or on his bi-monthly resident show for Nebulah Radio.